Crossfire (First Person Shooter) Game:
Crossfire ( First Person Shoooter) Online game realeased on 3 May 2013 Developed by Smile Gate
The Game Was released in China ,it opreats through internet. it is an Online game a internet Conection is required to play it.
Corssfire is a first person shooteer game in which Players can join Two teams "Global Risk"
or "Black Lsit" and fight with each other.Team members work together to complete their Ghost mode team death matchSerch nd destroy,Elimination mode each support maximum 16 players which are divided into two teams 8,8 Players.On the base of performance players can Earn points nd Promote their Ranks in game.The First Rank in Game is trainee Mode nd the highest rank in the game is Marshall.Players can also costomize there characters by Buying diffrents types of glasses ,caps,bags,etc.The Players Can earn free currency (GP)points by playing game rounds with the GP points players can buy difrent Rifles,pistols,Knifes.bombs nd diffrent tools.Premimium Items like weapons,Chracters are only bought with (Zp)Points which can b bought through online transection or through cards. players can also Earn Zp points by doing some diffrent types of survey.
Some Modes Of Crossfire:
Team Death match: Players must work together to complete there target,The host can set a target
of (40 kills, 60 kills,80kills, 100 KILLS OR 150kills),for example for 150 kills the team Which get 150 kills first will wins. The host may also set a time limit (5 mint, 8 mint, 10 mint, 12 mint) the team wins which have most kills.
Serch And Destroy: Blakc List Given an objective to planet A C4 bomb in one of two areas . "A" Side Or "B" Side with in the time limit Black List wins if the C4 destroies or with the kill of all Global Risk.Global Risk's objective is to defuse the C4 or kill all ther Black lists with in the time limit .Range of round is 5 to 12 minuts.
Ghost Mode: As like of Serch and destory Black List given objective to planet C4 nd destory it in time limit but in ghost mode the Blak List players are invisible nd they can use only Melee weapon. Global Risk's objective is to kill the all black list Global Risk Can use other Weapons.Golbal Risk can see Invisible black list while moving,or they can hear thier breathing,they can hear foot steps,they can see splashing in water the ghosts become completely visible while Moving.
Free For All : in this mode there is no team,players respawn in differnt places in the map , the objective is thatto kill as many kills as players can.The player with most kills wins.
Elimination Mode: This mode is similar to team death match, but it this mode the players not respwan when killed, players respawn after the time limit which is given. the players starts game with there melee weapon and have to pick up the diffrent guns which is sets in the round The range of round is 5 to 12 nd each round is 3 minuts long.
Mutant Mode : in this mode 1 or 2 plaers are turned into mutatns in the 20 seconds. The players who are attacked by mutants turend into mutants.Mutants Health is 4000-6000 hp in starting nd can b increased by attacking on soldiers if the all mutants will dead in time limit then Soldiers will win If the all soldiers becomes mutant or die then Mutants will win.
System Requirments:
Os: Win xp / win 7 /win Vista
CPU: Pentium 4 2.0 GHZ
Graphics Card: GEForce 6200
Network: DSL OR Better
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